Translation of Kirby: Squeak Squad narration text with comments

So a while ago I decided to go translate all Japanese narration text of Squeak Squad to see if it was any different from English. Spoiler alert: the official English translation is, all things considered, fairly accurate, but there are still some minor mistakes or things to comment. So, here is my translation of all narration text.

The formatting is as follows: first is the official English description, then the official Japanese description, then my English translation of the Japanese description, then the Japanese description edited with the text easier to read, mostly with proper Kanji usage. Finally, at the end, I comment if I have anything to comment.

Without further ado, here is the translation:

Early afternoon in Dream Land,
It’s so peaceful even the clouds are drowsy.

そらのくもが いねむりするほど
へいわな プププランドの ひるさがり

It’s an early afternoon in Dream Land so peaceful that even the clouds in the sky are dozing

空の雲が 居眠りするほど平和な プププランドの 昼下がり


And now it’s Kirby’s favorite time of the day – snack time.

おやつのじかんが やってきました

It’s Kirby’s favorite time of the day, snack time

カービィの大好きなおやつの時間が やってきました


Today’s yummy snack is a sweet, fluffy slice of strawberry shortcake!

きょうのおやつは ふんわりあまい
イチゴがのった ショートケーキ

Today’s snack is a soft and sweet shortcake topped with strawberries

今日のおやつは ふんわり甘いイチゴが載った ショートケーキ


Time to dig in…

さあ いただきま・・・

Now, bon appeti…

さあ いただきま・・・

Note: The phrase cut short is いただきます, which is a phrase Japanese people say before eating a meal, which basically means “Thanks for the meal!”. It’s hard to translate so I opted to use “Bon appetit!” which is close enough.


WHOA! The cake Kirby was about to eat has suddenly vanished!

いままさに たべようとしていた
ケーキが きえてしまいました

Oh no
The cake he was about to eat just disappeared

今まさに 食べようとしていたケーキが 消えてしまいました


That scrumptious, berry-topped slice of mouth-watering goodness…

だいじな だいじな あまい あまい

Precious, precious, sweet, sweet, strawberry shortcake…

大事な 大事な 甘い 甘いイチゴのショートケーキ・・・


No doubt about it! This must be the work of that greedy King Dedede!

きっと くいしんぼうの

Surely, it must have been the work of the gluttonous King Dedede

きっと 食いしん坊のデデデ大王の仕業に違いありません


Well, there’s no time to waste! Gotta get that cake back!

だいじなケーキを とりもどすために
さあ しゅっぱつ!

Let’s go get that precious cake back!

大事なケーキを 取り戻すためにさあ 出発!


And that’s how Kirby’s latest fantastic adventure begins…

こうして カービィの
あたらしい ぼうけんのたびが

And so the curtains of Kirby’s new adventurous journey opened

こうして カービィの新しい 冒険の旅が幕を開けたのでした

Note: I translated this quite literally. From my understanding this is basically a fancy way to say “And so Kirby’s adventure began” but that felt like it removed the original charm from it.

What’s this? Someone’s stolen King Dedede’s treasure chest!

デデデだいおうも なにものかに
たからばこを うばわれていたのです

King Dedede also had a treasure chest stolen by someone

デデデ大王も 何ものかに宝箱を 奪われていたのです

Note: Japanese does not have articles (a, an, the), and so there is often confusion if something is “a” or “the”. Here, it’s up to interpretation if it’s “a” treasure chest or “the” treasure chest from Dedede. I went with the “a” interpretation based on the context, while the official translation went with the “the” interpretation. See how that changes stuff a bit? One of the reasons I preferred the “a” interpretation was the phrasing in Japanese, there is no explicit “Dedede’s treasure chest”, the phrase goes very literally “Also King Dedede, someone stole treasure chest”. The main meaning behind this sentence is that Kirby realized it wasn’t just him that had something stolen, Dedede had something stolen as well.


Of course, he doesn’t know a thing about the strawberry shortcake.

もちろん しっているはずも ありません

There was no way he could have known about the strawberry cake, of course

イチゴのケーキのことなんてもちろん 知っているはずも ありません


So what’s going on? Who’s really behind the disappearing shortcake?

はたして ケーキどろぼうは

So, who is the cake thief?

果たして ケーキ泥棒はだれなのでしょうか?


Suddenly, a whirlwind appears, bringing a band of big-eared strangers.

とつじょ つむじかぜとともに
なぞのいちだんが あらわれました

Suddenly, a mysterious band of big-eared creatures appeared with a whirlwind

突如 つむじ風とともに大きな耳をもった謎の一団が 現れました


Who are these guys? A band of thieves known as the Squeaks!

ドロッチェだんと なのる とうぞくたち

Their true identity are thieves called the Squeaks

その正体はドロッチェ団と 名乗る 盗賊たち

Note: The name of the Squeaks in Japanese is ドロッチェ団, literally “Daroach Gang”. Keep this in mind since I will bring this up eventually soon.


With treasure chests in tow, they begin to march jauntily away.

さっそうとたちさる ドロッチェだん
みるみる とおざかっていきます

Carrying many treasure chests, in a blink the Squeaks take their gallant leave 

たくさんの宝箱を抱え颯爽と立ち去る ドロッチェ団みるみる 遠ざかっていきます


King Dedede acts as quick as a wink!
He grabs Kirby and hurls him at the Squeaks!

それをみた デデデだいおうは
カービィを ガシッと つかんで
ドロッチェだんにむけて シュート!

Seeing this, King Dedede grabs Kirby firmly and shoots him toward the Squeaks!

それを見た デデデ大王はカービィを ガシッと つかんでドロッチェ団に向けて シュート!


What a shot! He throws a perfect strike!

みごとに めいちゅう!

A perfect hit!

見事に 命中!


The Squeaks teeter and lose their balance.
They all tumble into a deep chasm, taking the treasure with them.

しかし バランスをくずしたかれらは
たくさんのたからばこと いっしょに
ふかいあなへと おちてしまいました

However, they lose their balance and fall into a deep hole along with many treasure chests

しかし バランスを崩し集れらはたくさんの宝箱と 一緒に深い穴へと 落ちてしまいました


Surely the shortcake is part of the lost loot.
It looks like Kirby’s quest isn’t over yet!

イチゴのケーキも きっと
そのなかいあるに ちがいありません
カービィのたびは まだまだつづきます

Surely the strawberry cake must be among them, for Kirby’s journey continues

イチゴのケーキも きっとその中いあるに 違いありませんカービィのたびは まだまだ続きます

At last the Squeaks are in sight, and Kirby is closing in…
His precious shortcake is within reach!

ついにドロッチェを おいつめました
ジリジリと ちかづいていくカービィ
イチゴのケーキは もうめのまえです

At least, Kirby has tracked down Daroach; he slowly approaches him, as his strawberry cake now is right in front of him

ついにドロッチェを 追い詰めましたジリジリと 近づいていくカービィイチゴのケーキは もう目の前です

Note: If you noticed, the official translation says Squeaks, while I translated to Daroach. That is because the original actually just mentions Daroach (ドロッチェ). This mistake is present every time only Daroach is mentioned in further texts. This mistake happened because the name of the Squeaks in Japanese is, as I mentioned earlier, ドロッチェ団, “Daroach Gang”. The translator probably lacked context and saw ドロッチェ and thought maybe it was a shortening of the gang name or something.


What in the world? Meta Knight swoops down and nabs the treasure!

とつぜんあらわれた メタナイトが
ドロッチェから たからばこをうばい

What the heck?
Suddenly, Meta Knight appears, and snatches the treasure chest from Daroach

突然現れた メタナイトが ドロッチェから 宝箱を奪い


In a flash he sails through the star door, leaving Kirby behind.

そのまま すごいスピードで

And then, at incredible speed, he went to the other side of a star door

そのまま すごいスピードで星の扉の向こうへと去っていったのです


The star door will never open up without the 5 star seals.

ほしのとびらは ひらきません

To chase after him, the 5 star seals need to be assembled, otherwise the star door won’t open

追いかけたくてもシールスター集めないと星の扉は 開きません

Kirby carefully places the 5 star seals in the door and…

カービィが シールスター

Kirby inserts the 5 star seals in the door and…

カービィが シールスターを扉にはめ込むと・・・


The lock breaks and the star door opens. Now for the cake!

ほしのとびらが ひらきました
さあ イチゴのケーキは めのまえです

The seal breaks, and the star door opens; now, the strawberry cake is at hand 

封印が解けて星の扉が 開きましたさあ イチゴのケーキは 目の前です

The star seals must be somewhere along the road Kirby’s traveled.

いままであるいてきた みちのどこかに

The star seals must be hidden somewhere along the road he has walked up until now

シールスターは今まで歩いてきた 道のどこかに隠されているはずてす


Find all of the star seals and then get that strawberry shortcake!

イチゴのケーキを とりもどすため
シールスターを さがしにいきましょう

Let’s go find the star seals to get the strawberry cake back

イチゴのケーキを 取り戻すためシールスターを 探しに行きましょう

That’s finally all of the star seals! Time for Kirby to return to the star door where he fought the Squeaks!

すべてのシールスターを あつめました
さあ ドロッチェのいたばしょにあった
ほしのとびらに むかいましょう

All star seals have been assembled; now, let’s head back to the place where Daroach was defeated

すべてのシールスターを 集めました さあ ドロッチェ退いた場所にあった星の扉に 向かいましょう

Note: Once again, we have the mistake here of saying Squeaks when in reality it’s just Daroach.

The 5 star seals have finally been brought together.

ついに シールスターそろいました

Finally, all the 5 star seals were gathered

ついに シールスター揃いました


The power of the star seals unlocks the star door at long last.
The path to the missing strawberry shortcake is now open!

ほしのとびらが ひらきました
さあ イチゴのケーキは めのまえです

The power of the star seals opened the star door; now, the strawberry cake is at hand

シールスターの力で星のと扉 開きましたさあ イチゴのケーキは 目の前です

Meta Knight has been defeated!
The chest holding the strawberry shortcake is at hand.

ついに イチゴのケーキのはいっている
たからばこに たどりつきました

With Meta Knight defeated, he finally managed to get the treasure chest containing the strawberry cake

メタナイトを倒し ついに イチゴのケーキの入っている 宝箱に たどり着きました


Kirby approaches the chest to rescue his delicious snack…

カービィがちかづいた そのとき

Just as Kirby approaches to open the treasure chest

宝箱を開けようと カービィが近づいた その時


It’s the Squeaks! They followed Kirby!
And now they’re stealing the treasure chest!

たからばこを うばったのです

Daroach, who had been following Kirby’s trail, shows up and snatches the treasure chest

カービィの跡をつけてきた ドロッチェが現れて 宝箱を 奪ったのです

Note: Once again, the mistake of calling Daroach the Squeaks.


Without hesitation, the Squeaks open the chest.
Oh, Kirby’s cake…

ああ カービィのケーキが・・・

Daroach is about to open the treasure chest and take the treasure
Oh, Kirby’s cake…

早速宝箱を開けて お宝を頂こうとするドロッチェ
ああ カービィのケーキが

Note: Again, the mistake of calling Daroach the Squeaks.


But there’s no cake in the chest, only a dark, eerie cloud of smoke!

しかし なかにはいっていたのは
ぶきみな くろいけむりでした

But what was inside wasn’t a strawberry cake, it was an eerie dark smoke

しかし 中に入っていたのは イチゴのケーキではなく 不気味な 黒い煙でした


The smoke envelops the Squeaks and disappears into space.

それは ドロッチェをつつみこみ
そのまま うちゅうのかなたへと

It envelops Daroach and disappears into space

それは ドロッチェを包み込み そのまま 宇宙の彼方へと 消えてしまったのです

Note: Yet again, the mistake of calling Daroach the Squeaks.


How awful! At this rate the strawberry shortcake will be lost forever.


How terrible
As it is, the whereabouts of the strawberry cake are still unknown

そのままではイチゴのケーキの在り処が 分からなく成ってしまいます


Kirby must find the cake and solve the mystery of the creepy smoke…
And so, he departs for the stars!

カービィは くろいけむりと

Kirby travels into space pursuing the mystery of the dark smoke and the strawberry cake

カービィは 黒い煙と イチゴのケーキのなぞを追って 宇宙へと旅立ちました

Note: My translation leaves an ambiguity present in the Japanese text: “the mystery of the dark smoke and the strawberry cake”: does that mean that the mystery is of both the dark smoke and the strawberry cake, or is the mystery just of the smoke? It’s also unclear in Japanese, and the official English translation implies the mystery is only of the smoke, but I wanted to make that clear that the Japanese text leaves some ambiguity.

The treasure chest was the prison of Dark Nebula, ruler of the underworld.

たからばこのなかに はいっていたのは
あんこくのしはいしゃ ダークゼロでした

Inside the treasure chest was the ruler of darkness, Dark Nebula

宝箱の中に 入っていたのは 暗黒の支配者 ダークゼロでした

Note: Ah yes, the famous line. So, first of all, Dark Nebula’s Japanese name is Dark Zero. And yes, in Japanese they call him the ruler of darkness, not of the underworld. I’ve seen some people claim that this was likely a mix up with one of the many words for “underworld” in Japanese (暗黒街, あんこくがい), or even a mistranslation, but personally, this has to be a conscious decision. First of all, the word for darkness, あんこく/暗黒 is a very common word in Japanese. And as you could see from all my translations of previous text, the translation of Squeak Squad Japanese text is very accurate apart from some mistakes that make sense, so I really doubt someone would confuse such a simple word for a very obscure word. Like I said, Japanese has tons of words that could mean “underworld”, and here is a list of words that according to a frequency lists are more common than 暗黒街: 底の国, 異界, 冥府, 冥土, 黄泉, 冥界… the list goes on. So, basically, I believe the change to “ruler of the underworld” in the official translation wasn’t a mistake, as I doubt someone would mix up a common word with an obscure one like that.


Meta Knight knew the secret of the chest.
He fought Kirby to prevent Dark Nebula from being released.

カービィと たたかったのです

Meta Knight, who knew everything, fought Kirby to stop Dark Nebula’s resurgence

すべてを知っていたメタナイトは ダークゼロの復活を止めようと カービィと 戦ったのです

Note: The word used here 復活 can mean just “return” or even “rebirth”. Feel free to speculate which way it leans to, but it often does lean to “rebirth” but I didn’t want to outright confirm that opening the chest literally “revived” Dark Nebula lol


The Squeaks decided to look elsewhere for treasure.
They’ve left for parts unknown.

どこかへ たびだっていきました

Daroach and the others traveled somewhere in search of new treasure

ドロッチェたちも 新しいお宝を求めて どこかへ 旅立っていきました

Note: Here they use ドロッチェたち which I translated as “Daroach and the others”, but yeah, actually calling them the Squeaks here is right, so yeah, whatever.


It looks like peace will return to the land.

へいわが もどってくるでしょう

And now peace will return

これでまた 平和が 戻ってくるでしょう







Where did that slice of strawberry shortcake disappear to?

いったい どこへいったのでしょう

Where exactly did the missing strawberry shortcake go?

消えてしまった イチゴのショートケーキは 一体 どこへいったのでしょう


Thoughts of that lost snack fill Kirby’s head as he goes home.

カービィは そのことで
あたまのなかが いっぱいでした

Kirby’s head was full with that

カービィは そのことで 頭の中が 一杯でした

Note: That, as in, what was mentioned earlier.




The end


A short while later…


A few moments later…



A delectable strawberry shortcake arrives for Kirby from the Squeaks.


A strawberry shortcake was sent by Daroach and the others

ドロッチェたちから イチゴのショートケーキが 送られてきました


Perhaps it’s an apology for all the trouble they caused.

めいわくをかけた おわびだそうです

It looks like it’s an apology for the trouble they caused

何でも 迷惑をかけた お詫びだそうです

Note: I actually have something to comment about this part, but I will do in the next one, you will see why.


But Kirby doesn’t really care why they sent it. It’s snack time!
With shortcake waiting to be munched, Kirby is truly happy at last!

ようやく ほんとうのへいわが

Finally, true peace has come to Kirby, who’s stuffing his cheeks with his snack

お八つを頬張るカービィに 漸く 本当の平和が 訪れました

Note: You may be wondering about the part of “But Kirby doesn’t really care why they sent it” from the official translation. I believe this is actually a translation of なんでも from the text before this one, which in a vacuum can mean so many things. You could indeed just read it alone and translate it as “Whatever”, which I guess Kirby could be like “It doesn’t matter why they sent it, I have cake yay”, but you can also see it as “I’ve been told that they sent the cake as an apology”, which actually makes the most sense to me here, in particular due to how it starts the previous text section. It looks like the translator interpreted the なんでも in the “whatever” sense, and thus carried it to this text to mention how Kirby doesn’t care why he was sent it… which I’m not a fan of, but it’s also not in theory incorrect. But yeah, wanted to point that out.



ほんとうに おしまい

The true end

本当に おしまい

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