Short translation of the second Forgotten Land novel that has some interesting stuff

This is different from my usual translation posts, as I mostly translate interviews and such, however I’m making a small exception for this as I found this very interesting, and I was asked to translate and post this to share with the fandom.

For context, my translation is from a very small part of the second Kirby light novel that is an adaptation of Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It released last month. You can read more about the Kirby novels here. If you’re looking for translations of these novels, check this masterpost; neither of the Forgotten Land novels have started been translated yet, but there is a dedicated group of fans that actively translates the novels, so I’m sure in due time it will be translated.

Just a note: the novels, much like the anime and the various manga series, are a separate canon from the Kirby games, so nothing mentioned here is canon to the games. However, the novels are considered by the fandom and even series director Shinya Kumazaki to be the most “faithful” adaptations of the games. So many people see things better explained in novel adaptations of games as some sort of extended lore of sorts for the games. So, keep this in mind as you read this. This is cool stuff, but there is no confirmation this was the case in the games, but it doesn’t really contradict anything from the games; if anything, it complements it.

Anyway, to not spoil the novel and the postgame of Forgotten Land, but give enough context for the part I will post: Meta Knight and Wise Waddle Dee are in a library in Alivel Mall, as they try to find more information about the New World. They find a book that has a list of copy ability hats and explanations. This part is from chapter 10, pages 140 and 141 (in the physical format of the book at least):

“Mr. Wise, there are some interesting things written on this book. Look, this part. It is written, ‘This mysterious ability was discovered in a certain planet. Sucking an opponent and copying their ability. The brilliant researchers of our planet have succeeded in evolving copy abilities.'”

“Oh!!!!! Hmm…wow, really!”

Wise Waddle Dee immediately fell in a trance with the book.

“This ‘certain planet’ mentioned, it’s Popstar, isn’t it?!?!?!?! As I thought, the copy abilities were introduced to this planet from Popstar! And then, it says that the researchers of this planet have ‘evolved’ the copy ability hats……!”

“Ah, just as you expected. Nevertheless, how did the copy abilities get from Popstar to this planet? Did researchers from this planet visit Popstar? Or, conversely, did someone come from Popstar to this planet? I guess we will never know these important things…”

This is basically it, but a couple notes first:

  • Meta Knight calls Wise Waddle Dee ものしりくん. Wise Waddle Dee’s Japanese name is ものしりワドルディ, and ものしり is a term used to describe someone that is well-informed. Another way to translate that could be something like “Wise-kun”; it’s hard to translate honorifics, so that works, but I chose “Mr. Wise”.
  • They use 惑星 to refer to Popstar while using just 星 to refer to the New World. Not sure why or if this matters, but noting anyway.

If you want to dive into speculation, maybe check these two tweets with textures of the game (first is from blueprients, the other is from Waddle Dee’s Weapons Shop): They kinda look like study documents of Kirby, Popstar and copy abilities, no? But again, this part is speculation, but interesting nonetheless.

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